Reflektoorne jalatalla massaaž - 150 €
Reflektoorne jalatalla massaaž on ainulaadne massaažitehnika, mis tugineb jalataldade teatud punktide ja keha siseorganite vaheliste neuroloogiliste ühenduste kasutamisele. Konkreetse punkti stimuleerimisel aktiveeritakse vastav organ või kehasüsteem. Jalatallal asub arvukalt reflekspunkte, mis on seotud keha erinevate osadega, muutes selle tehnika tõhusaks vahendiks üldise heaolu ja tasakaalu edendamiseks.
Koht ja kellaeg
06. apr 2025, 10:00 – 17:00
Tallinn, C. R. Jakobsoni tn 7, 10128 Tallinn, Eesti
Reflexology Foot Massage is a unique technique that leverages neurological connections between specific points on the feet and the body's internal organs. Stimulating a particular point activates the corresponding organ or bodily system.
The feet contain approximately 70,000 nerve endings, forming reflex zones that are directly linked to various organs.
During a foot massage, the individual experiences deep relaxation, allowing the parasympathetic nervous system to function under optimal conditions. This creates an environment for the body to recover and heal naturally.
Reflexology foot massage can be performed as a standalone treatment or combined with other comprehensive massage therapies.
The results of foot massage include improved digestion, relaxation of tense muscles, enhanced kidney function, and heightened emotional sensitivity, contributing to overall well-being.